Fire Standards Compliant Cigarettes - Philip Morris USA
Bands applied to the cigarette paper only use ingredients that were also used when PM USA manufactured non-FSC cigarettes. FSC cigarettes do not use fire-retardant.
On November 30, 2007, 27 EU states approved a European Commission proposal which would require the tobacco industry to use fire-retardant paper in all cigarettes.
Repeal Fire Safe Cigarette Laws - The Petition Site
FSC Cigarettes are dangerous to smokers!!! (27099 signatures on petition) Fire safe cigarette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
29 Complaints and Reviews about Fire Safe Cigarettes Soon after fire retardant was added to cigarettes, I developed a tickle in my throat, and notice. Company Response Welcome If complaints about your company appear on our.
Fire reartant ciggarttes complaints Performance and durability — Sekers Fabrics